Thursday, October 10, 2013

TV Muse: American Horror Story


I don't know where to start.  This show is seriously one of the best shows ever made, It's so different and unique and it's actually scary unlike those fucken Hollywood movies and try to be creepy TV shows.  The acting is fantastic, its really interesting seeing well known actors  mold into these disturbing actors.  For instance Zachary Quinto he played a really disturbed sociopath Bloodyface and he did it all such as killing people, chopping them off to make furniture, mixing his victims skin and puling their teeth to make his mask, having sex with his deceased victims just really fucked up shit and then he transforms himself to Spock!  And Jessica Lange but what's to say about her she's fabulous and perfect for the show.  Each season the show just gets better and crazier it's really shocking how the writers are able to top the season before .  This season "The Coven" it's going to be intense and I thought "Asylum" was top notch.  I'm really excited to how their going to dive into witch craft and Salem witch trails and of course all the other fucked up shit their going to through in there.  At first I wasn't to sure how Emma Roberts was going to perform on the show because of her acting history and I just haven't been to impress by her acting skills but I think she plays the role well, it's believable, I think they had her play the perfect role playing the snotty bitchy teen witch I just don't think it would of flowed and worked out as good if say she was going to be the main teen witch who played Violet in the first season.  Overall I'm already really impressed with the new season and know it's going to be better then the last and I can't wait for Wednesdays to come around.  Bottom line if you haven't watched the show I highly HIGHLY suggest that you do, your missing out and you just have to witness the actors, creators, writers, just everyone's talent.  This show needs to win an Emmy as well, stop giving it to modern family Emmy voters!

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