Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Big Top!

Where they performed.

Look at this stud muffin.

 The most adorable Vintage Booth but not $300 an item adorable.
 We were trying to be those old timey Portraits.

Items I purchased at Merch/ Farmers Market

This concert was so much fun! Best b-day gift ever, still can't believe Mitch did this for me he's so sweet! so happy I got to see the band that changed my music taste for the better and got to see them with the most amazing company.  You can tell it's all about the music for them, the lead singer Alexander is such a great performer he was just dancing onstage/ offstage ( he went into the crowed and was just hanging out and singing) and being in the moment and those are the best shows to go to.  The opening acts ran a little long but still good the main band didn't go on till 11:30.  The only thing that was a bummer was when they played "Home" I guess the leader song and the main girl singer Jade used to date and "Home" a love song and they changed the lyrics to make it more of a friendship type debut so that was a bummer because it's one of my favorites but still monumental to hear live nether less.  Sorry it took me so long to write this post but I got sick and wasn't up to it but now I'm feeling better and ta-da!  Anyways if you see Edward Sharpe coming in your town I highly recommend seeing them they were spectacular and my words won't do them justice so you'll just have to see them to know what I'm talking about:)  What a great way to start off my 18th birthday! :)

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